In this blog, we will largely use Jeremy Howard's series of notebooks on Kaggle to understand DICOM and to learn how to use fastai.medical to work with DICOM files. I would highly encourage going through Jeremy's blogs. Here, I will be merely be blogging as I learn and practice his notebooks.

There are five notebooks in this series. In this blog, we will go through the first four notebooks.

  1. Creating a metadata DataFrame - In this notebook, we will learn how to create a DataFrame from DICOM metadata

  2. Some DICOM gotchas to be aware of - Here, we will learn some things to watch out for when working with DICOM like signed data being used as if it were unsigned

  3. Don't see like a radiologist - Radiologists, as we will learn below, use windowing to observe different area of interest such as brain, subdural because humans are limited in their ability to distinguish different contrast levels. This human limitations does not affect macines. In this notebook, we will learn how we can prepare (normalize) our images to help our model learn better.

  4. Cleaning the data for rapid prototyping - We will put our learnings into action by preparing a prototyping dataset. We will clean the data and then make a smaller set of smaller JPEG images for prototyping.

  5. From prototyping to submission - In this final notebook, we will learn to use our prototype dataset in building a classifier then learn to use full scale dataset to train our classifier. not covered in this blog


from fastai.basics           import *
from       import *
from fastai.medical.imaging  import *
import seaborn as sns

Creating a metadata dataframe

The first notebook show us how to make a dataframe from dcm files.

path_dest = Path('./')
path = Path('../input/rsna-intracranial-hemorrhage-detection/rsna-intracranial-hemorrhage-detection')
path_trn = path/'stage_2_train'
fns_trn =
path_tst = path/'stage_2_test'
fns_tst =
fn = fns_trn[0]
dcm = fn.dcmread()
Dataset.file_meta -------------------------------
(0002, 0002) Media Storage SOP Class UID         UI: CT Image Storage
(0002, 0003) Media Storage SOP Instance UID      UI: 10000000300633
(0002, 0010) Transfer Syntax UID                 UI: Implicit VR Little Endian
(0002, 0012) Implementation Class UID            UI:
(0002, 0013) Implementation Version Name         SH: 'RSNA Challenge 2019'
(0008, 0018) SOP Instance UID                    UI: ID_27a354d42
(0008, 0060) Modality                            CS: 'CT'
(0010, 0020) Patient ID                          LO: 'ID_907f00d7'
(0020, 000d) Study Instance UID                  UI: ID_f69dbbd67a
(0020, 000e) Series Instance UID                 UI: ID_8408ebcd9f
(0020, 0010) Study ID                            SH: ''
(0020, 0032) Image Position (Patient)            DS: [-125, -18, 111.900024]
(0020, 0037) Image Orientation (Patient)         DS: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
(0028, 0002) Samples per Pixel                   US: 1
(0028, 0004) Photometric Interpretation          CS: 'MONOCHROME2'
(0028, 0010) Rows                                US: 512
(0028, 0011) Columns                             US: 512
(0028, 0030) Pixel Spacing                       DS: [0.48828125, 0.48828125]
(0028, 0100) Bits Allocated                      US: 16
(0028, 0101) Bits Stored                         US: 12
(0028, 0102) High Bit                            US: 11
(0028, 0103) Pixel Representation                US: 0
(0028, 1050) Window Center                       DS: [00036, 00036]
(0028, 1051) Window Width                        DS: [00080, 00080]
(0028, 1052) Rescale Intercept                   DS: "-1024.0"
(0028, 1053) Rescale Slope                       DS: "1.0"
(7fe0, 0010) Pixel Data                          OW: Array of 524288 elements

Looking at an example dcm file we can see that we have seen and cover most of the data elements in our previous blog except Window Center, Window Width, Rescale Intercept and Rescale Slope. We will focus on them.

(0028, 1050) Window Center and (0028, 1051) Window Width
The grayscale values of a CT is made up of a range of pixel values. Since they are either 12-bit or 16-bit, the range of possible values are 0-4096 (for 12-bit) and 0-65536 (for 16-bit). This is in comparison to a normal 8-bit images whose values range between 0-255. The larger the range, larger is the levels of contrast. Our human eyes are merely good at contrasting 100 levels of contrast. A 12-bit image would therefore provide 4096 contrast levels which could be difficult for humans to differentiate. Hence, in CTs, it is normal to choose a range of value to observe. The midlevel of the range is the Window Center and the range is Window Level. We can also think of varying Window Center as varying the brighness and varying the Window Level as varying the contrast.

fastai provides the Window Level and Window Center for observing different area of interest. Let's take a look at few

namespace(brain=(80, 40),
          subdural=(254, 100),
          stroke=(8, 32),
          brain_bone=(2800, 600),
          brain_soft=(375, 40),
          lungs=(1500, -600),
          mediastinum=(350, 50),
          abdomen_soft=(400, 50),
          liver=(150, 30),
          spine_soft=(250, 50),
          spine_bone=(1800, 400))
(80, 40)
(254, 100)

Let's use fastai functionality to see some of these images under different windowing.

Note: We will learn about normalized windowing later in the blog
scales = False, True, dicom_windows.brain, dicom_windows.subdural
titles = 'raw','normalized','brain windowed','subdural windowed'
for s,a,t in zip(scales, subplots(2,2,imsize=5)[1].flat, titles):, ax=a, title=t)

Rescale Intercept and Rescale Slope Now, let's move to understanding Rescale Intercept and Rescale Slope. The concept is pretty simple. DICOM uses linear transformation to save pixel values when stored on disk and when it is moved to memory.

y = mx + c

m is the Rescale Slope and c is the Rescale Intercept.

Why is this linear transformation needed? CT scans are meaured in Hounsfield Units which can be negative and they are stored as unsigned integers format which goes from 0 and above. Hence, a linear transformation is needed to shift the range of values.

Now that we have understood some of the important data elements. Let's prepare the dataframes so it would be easier to work with. fastai/pydicom provides really easy way to convert DICOM to dataframe.

Note: Preparing these dataframes from DICOM takes really long. When I ran it on Kaggle, it took about 8 hours to make df_trn and df_tst below.
def save_lbls():
    path_lbls = path/'stage_2_train.csv'
    lbls = pd.read_csv(path_lbls)
    lbls[["ID","htype"]] = lbls.ID.str.rsplit("_", n=1, expand=True)
    lbls.drop_duplicates(['ID','htype'], inplace=True)
    pvt = lbls.pivot('ID', 'htype', 'Label')

Some DICOM gotchas to be aware of

From here, we will work on Jeremy's "Some DICOM gotchas to be aware of".

path_df = Path('../input/dataframes')
(#3) [Path('../input/dataframes/df_tst.fth'),Path('../input/dataframes/labels.fth'),Path('../input/dataframes/df_trn.fth')]
df_lbls = pd.read_feather(path_df/'labels.fth')
df_tst = pd.read_feather(path_df/'df_tst.fth')
df_trn = pd.read_feather(path_df/'df_trn.fth')

We merge the df_lbls dataframe with df_trn.

comb = df_trn.join(df_lbls.set_index('ID'), 'SOPInstanceUID')
assert not len(comb[comb['any'].isna()])
SOPInstanceUID Modality PatientID StudyInstanceUID SeriesInstanceUID StudyID ImagePositionPatient ImageOrientationPatient SamplesPerPixel PhotometricInterpretation ... img_max img_mean img_std img_pct_window any epidural intraparenchymal intraventricular subarachnoid subdural
0 ID_27a354d42 CT ID_907f00d7 ID_f69dbbd67a ID_8408ebcd9f -125.000000 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 2671 454.914642 616.514427 0.149364 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 ID_9ef779a18 CT ID_8bca9b69 ID_ed4776c4b6 ID_073c18243c -125.000000 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 2778 -330.188461 1415.697408 0.266693 1 0 1 0 1 1
2 ID_5bed38bf6 CT ID_b501522f ID_906af9ca62 ID_719a4e6a78 -125.000000 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 2687 -128.333286 678.065725 0.004173 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 ID_286599272 CT ID_7ba59d14 ID_9f39f65610 ID_b55ce168f2 -137.500000 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 2568 396.514767 528.022874 0.107368 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 ID_bba76cea8 CT ID_32c07778 ID_f9641021e5 ID_e04ed2ad5c -122.000000 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 2413 521.192650 568.400446 0.263206 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 ID_a917377cd CT ID_e4488e09 ID_f13c83c8ae ID_91366e3a6e -107.800003 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 2756 -90.590172 1140.209042 0.115768 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 ID_7723b03a6 CT ID_a329da04 ID_cd9053516e ID_37b71d633c -125.000000 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 2732 -308.353733 949.515538 0.008362 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 ID_dbb1cc814 CT ID_afd8ebfe ID_55af39ec1b ID_eb25c44049 -107.000000 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 2374 448.588409 488.864187 0.126221 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 ID_4b08fe185 CT ID_6338c4f1 ID_a3b607ba3f ID_468e9dedde -125.000000 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 3082 66.582775 1203.552054 0.235271 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 ID_8192d735e CT ID_b4a5aa19 ID_3f35938aea ID_1ff3a48327 -132.000000 1.0 1 MONOCHROME2 ... 2612 471.477554 578.011862 0.277931 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 rows × 48 columns

Looking at BitsStored and PixelRepresentation


BitsStored - Tells whether the data is stored in 12 or 16 bits

PixelRepresentation - Tells if the data it is signed or unsigned data. Signed data can have negative pixels while unsigned starts from 0 and above.

repr_flds = ['BitsStored','PixelRepresentation']
comb.pivot_table(values=['img_mean','img_max','img_min','PatientID','any'], index=repr_flds,
PatientID any img_max img_mean img_min
BitsStored PixelRepresentation
12 0 333443 0.128409 4095 451.058719 0
1 2312 0.335640 2047 -639.495079 -2048
16 1 417048 0.154275 32767 41.121570 -32768

We can see that that when PixelRepresentation is 1, meaning the data type is signed, img_min can take negative values. Largely, we will be working with unsigned 12-bit data and signed 16-bit data.

As we saw earlier RescaleIntercept and RescaleSlope tell us how to scale our data. Let's take a look.

comb.pivot_table(values=['WindowCenter','WindowWidth', 'RescaleIntercept', 'RescaleSlope'], index=repr_flds,
RescaleIntercept RescaleSlope WindowCenter WindowWidth
max mean median min std max mean median min std max mean median min std max mean median min std
BitsStored PixelRepresentation
12 0 1.0 -1023.141245 -1024.0 -1024.0 19.947663 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 650.0 37.940949 36.0 25.0 19.130654 4095.0 85.132092 80.0 26.0 127.766167
1 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.000000 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 350.0 48.775952 40.0 40.0 47.549496 4000.0 179.653979 80.0 80.0 603.265211
16 1 0.0 -1016.754254 -1024.0 -1024.0 85.832168 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 800.0 33.426668 30.0 25.0 19.091547 3000.0 100.568292 80.0 60.0 95.569248

Firstly, we know that CT scans are measured in Hounsfield Units (HU) which takes both negative and positive values. HU measures the radiodensity (how much radiation is absorbed) by differnt materials such as air, fats, bones. Some radiodensity values of different materials are Air -100 HU; Fat -120 to -90 HU; Bone (Cortical) +500 to +1900

Based on this, we expect the mean RescaleIntercept for PixelRepresentation 0 to be around -1,024 but in our case there seem to be some with RescaleIntercept not equlas to -1,024.

The issue here could be that some of the images were signed data but were treated as unsigned. Later we will look at how to deal with them.

Now, lets take a look scaled_px function that fastai provides to easliy scale pixels based on their RescaleIntercept and RescaleSlope

dcm =[0].dcmread()
tensor([[24., 22., 22.,  ..., 21., 17., 17.],
        [25., 25., 23.,  ..., 21., 20., 18.],
        [26., 27., 25.,  ..., 21., 20., 21.],
        [17., 18., 19.,  ..., 19., 19., 20.],
        [23., 22., 21.,  ..., 20., 21., 21.],
        [22., 21., 20.,  ..., 20., 20., 20.]])
tensor([[-1000., -1002., -1002.,  ..., -1003., -1007., -1007.],
        [ -999.,  -999., -1001.,  ..., -1003., -1004., -1006.],
        [ -998.,  -997.,  -999.,  ..., -1003., -1004., -1003.],
        [-1007., -1006., -1005.,  ..., -1005., -1005., -1004.],
        [-1001., -1002., -1003.,  ..., -1004., -1003., -1003.],
        [-1002., -1003., -1004.,  ..., -1004., -1004., -1004.]])

DON'T see like a radiologist!

Next, we will work on Jeremy's "DON'T see like a radiologist!" notebook.

In this notebook, Jeremy's presents an idea as to how to help our model see better. We have seen earlier windowing is used to help radiologists to vary contrast and brightness to observe difffernt areas of interests such as the brain and the subdural. The reason for windowing is humans are only able to contrast about 100 levels of contrast gradient but a 16-bit CT has 2^16 (65,536) levels of contrast gradient. This is beyond a human's ability to distinguish hence windowning is used but this is not a problem for computer.

Let's see an image without windowing vs brain_window.

fname =[0]
_, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,8))
dcm = fname.dcmread()

for ax, name, window in zip(axes.flat, ['no windowing', 'brain wondow'], [None, dicom_windows.brain]):, ctx=ax, title=name)

This limitations of number of contrast gradient is not at all an issue for computer but we do have to rescale to help our models. Let's take a look at Jeremy's proposal. Let's see the rescaling.

px = dcm.scaled_px.flatten()

We see a highly bimodal distribution. Background pixels are around -1000, and the brain tissue pixels are around 0. The proposal is to use non-linear mapping designed to give us an equal number of pixels in each range. Let's see how that is done.

bins = px.freqhist_bins(20)
sns.histplot(dcm.scaled_px.flatten(), bins=bins)

'fastai.medical.imaging' can apply that non-linear mapping for you. In fact, this is the default way of displaying a DICOM in fastai. This is the normalized windowing we saw earlier.


Creating a normalised dataset

Now that we know how to scale our dcm, let's take a look at preparing our dataset. Because the non-linear mapping we used varies from image to image, we will need to create a mapping that is appropriate for a wide range of images.

We will create a mapping for three different groups of images we saw earlier.

df1 = comb.query('(BitsStored==12) & (PixelRepresentation==0)')
df2 = comb.query('(BitsStored==12) & (PixelRepresentation==1)')
df3 = comb.query('BitsStored==16')
dfs = L(df1,df2,df3)

To create the bins

  1. we will grab a random image with each label (htypes) and one with no labels for all the three groups above
  2. then we will read the dcm
  3. put them into a tensor
  4. get the bins from this set of images
  5. use the bins in hist_scaled_px to get the scaled float tensor, which we can pass to our model
htypes = 'any','epidural','intraparenchymal','intraventricular','subarachnoid','subdural'

def get_samples(df):
    recs = [df.query(f'{c}==1').sample() for c in htypes]
    return pd.concat(recs).fname.values

sample_fns = concat(*
sample_dcms = L(Path(o).dcmread() for o in sample_fns)
samples = torch.stack(tuple(sample_dcms.attrgot('scaled_px')))
torch.Size([21, 512, 512])
bins = samples.freqhist_bins()
plt.plot(bins, torch.linspace(0,1,len(bins)));
dcm.hist_scaled(bins), dcm.hist_scaled(bins).shape 
(tensor([[0.1558, 0.1299, 0.1299,  ..., 0.1169, 0.0649, 0.0649],
         [0.1688, 0.1688, 0.1429,  ..., 0.1169, 0.1039, 0.0779],
         [0.1818, 0.1948, 0.1688,  ..., 0.1169, 0.1039, 0.1169],
         [0.0649, 0.0779, 0.0909,  ..., 0.0909, 0.0909, 0.1039],
         [0.1429, 0.1299, 0.1169,  ..., 0.1039, 0.1169, 0.1169],
         [0.1299, 0.1169, 0.1039,  ..., 0.1039, 0.1039, 0.1039]]),
 torch.Size([512, 512]))

Since the non-linear mapping results in a almost uniform distribution between 0 and 1, we wont have a mean and std of 0 and 1.

scaled_samples = torch.stack(tuple(o.hist_scaled(bins) for o in sample_dcms))
(tensor(0.4080), tensor(0.2989))

Cleaning the data for rapid prototyping

In this notebook, we learn

  1. how to fix images with incorrect RescaleIntercept
  2. removing images with minimal useful information
  3. make a smaller dataset that we can use for prototyping
  4. crop images to just contain the brain area
  5. carry out histogram rescaling and save it as JPEG

The idea, apart from fixing incorrect images, is to create a dataset for rapid prototyping.

Fixing incorrect RescaleIntercept

The problematic images were found in our df1.

df1 = comb.query('(BitsStored==12) & (PixelRepresentation==0)')
def df2dcm(df): return L(Path(o).dcmread() for o in df.fname.values)
df_iffy = df1[df1.RescaleIntercept>-100]
dcms = df2dcm(df_iffy)

_,axs = subplots(2,4, imsize=3)
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flat): dcms[i].show(ax=ax)

That does not look good at all.

dcm = dcms[2]
d = dcm.pixel_array

As explained previously, the mode for unsigned data appears around 0 but in our case the mode appears around 3000. This could be because signed data could have been treated as if it were unsigned data. As explained by Jeremy

My guess is that what happened in the "iffy" images is that they were actually signed data, >but were treated as unsigned. If that's the case, the a value of -1000 or -1024 (the usual >values for background pixels in signed data images) will have wrapped around to 4096->1000=3096. So we'll need to shift everything up by 1000, then move the values larger than >2048 back to where they should have been.

The fix is

  1. add all pixel values by +1000
  2. for values more than 4096, -1000
  3. set RescaleIntercept to -1000
d += 1000

px_mode = scipy.stats.mode(d.flatten()).mode[0]
d[d>=px_mode] = d[d>=px_mode] - px_mode
dcm.PixelData = d.tobytes()
dcm.RescaleIntercept = -1000
_,axs = subplots(1,2)[0]);, ax=axs[1])
def fix_pxrepr(dcm):
    if dcm.PixelRepresentation != 0 or dcm.RescaleIntercept<-100: return
    x = dcm.pixel_array + 1000
    px_mode = 4096
    x[x>=px_mode] = x[x>=px_mode] - px_mode
    dcm.PixelData = x.tobytes()
    dcm.RescaleIntercept = -1000
dcms = df2dcm(df_iffy)

_,axs = subplots(2,4, imsize=3)
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flat): dcms[i].show(ax=ax)

Images look better following our repair work

Remove useless images

To remove 'not so useful' images we will identify what % of pixel of an images is in the brain window (0, 80). This is already in the dataframe we created earlier under img_pct_window.

comb = comb.assign(pct_cut = pd.cut(comb.img_pct_window, [0,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,1]))
comb.pivot_table(values='any', index='pct_cut', aggfunc=['sum','count']).T
pct_cut (0.0, 0.02] (0.02, 0.05] (0.05, 0.1] (0.1, 0.2] (0.2, 0.3] (0.3, 1.0]
sum any 69 775 3690 23411 61741 18246
count any 79144 22217 50928 269727 255338 67315

We can see that images with little brain tissue (<2% of pixels) have almost no labels. So we will remove them.

comb.drop(comb.query('img_pct_window<0.02').index, inplace=True)

Resample to 2/3 split

df_lbl = comb.query('any==True')
n_lbl = len(df_lbl)
df_nonlbl = comb.query('any==False').sample(n_lbl//2)
comb = pd.concat([df_lbl,df_nonlbl])

Crop to just brain area¶

dcm = Path(dcms[10].filename).dcmread()
px = dcm.windowed(*dicom_windows.brain)
blurred = gauss_blur2d(px, 100)
_,axs = subplots(1,4, imsize=3)
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flat):
    dcms[i].show(dicom_windows.brain, ax=ax)
    show_image(dcms[i].mask_from_blur(dicom_windows.brain),, alpha=0.6, ax=ax)
def pad_square(x):
    r,c = x.shape
    d = (c-r)/2
    pl,pr,pt,pb = 0,0,0,0
    if d>0: pt,pd = int(math.floor( d)),int(math.ceil( d))        
    else:   pl,pr = int(math.floor(-d)),int(math.ceil(-d))
    return np.pad(x, ((pt,pb),(pl,pr)), 'minimum')

def crop_mask(x):
    mask = x.mask_from_blur(dicom_windows.brain)
    bb = mask2bbox(mask)
    if bb is None: return
    lo,hi = bb
    cropped = x.pixel_array[lo[0]:hi[0],lo[1]:hi[1]]
    return pad_square(cropped)
_,axs = subplots(1,2)[0])
dcm_m = PILCTScan.create(crop_mask(dcm))[1]);

Save JPEG images

Now, we will learn to save our smaller images as JPEG for fast prototyping. First, we will sample our dataset to get out freqhist_bins. And then use the samples to calculate our bins.

htypes = 'any','epidural','intraparenchymal','intraventricular','subarachnoid','subdural'

def get_samples(df):
    recs = [df.query(f'{c}==1').sample() for c in htypes]
    return pd.concat(recs).fname.values

sample_fns = concat(*
sample_dcms = tuple(Path(o).dcmread().scaled_px for o in sample_fns)
samples = torch.stack(sample_dcms)
bins = samples.freqhist_bins()
bins, bins.shape
(tensor([-3024., -2048., -1014., -1007., -1005., -1004., -1003., -1002., -1001.,
         -1000.,  -999.,  -998.,  -997.,  -995.,  -994.,  -993.,  -991.,  -990.,
          -988.,  -985.,  -981.,  -977.,  -973.,  -970.,  -967.,  -964.,  -960.,
          -956.,  -951.,  -945.,  -936.,  -924.,  -909.,  -891.,  -866.,  -835.,
          -801.,  -758.,  -691.,  -574.,  -351.,  -126.,   -70.,   -41.,   -15.,
             4.,    11.,    17.,    21.,    23.,    25.,    26.,    27.,    28.,
            29.,    30.,    31.,    32.,    33.,    34.,    35.,    36.,    37.,
            38.,    40.,    43.,    48.,    59.,    81.,   164.,   284.,   397.,
           607.,   788.,   958.,  1152.,  1390.,  1656.]),
with open(f"{path_dest}/bin.pkl", "wb") as output_file:
    pickle.dump(bins, output_file)

Next, we will make a function to read a single dcm file and then fixes them using the fix_pxrepr funtion we create earlier.

def dcm_tfm(fn): 
    fn = Path(fn)
        x = fn.dcmread()
    except Exception as e:
        raise SkipItemException
    if x.Rows != 512 or x.Columns != 512: x.zoom_to((512,512))
    return x.scaled_px

We will then make fastai's TfmDL to use parallel processing to process the images.

fns = list(comb.fname.values)
dest = path_dest/'train_jpg'
# NB: Use bs=512 or 1024 when running on GPU

ds = Datasets(fns, [[dcm_tfm],[os.path.basename]])
dl = TfmdDL(ds, bs=bs, num_workers=2)

As we can see below, the dataloader will return a tuple of scaled_px and its corresponding filename.

(tensor([[[-3024., -3024., -3024.,  ..., -3024., -3024., -3024.],
          [-3024., -3024., -3024.,  ..., -3024., -3024., -3024.],
          [-3024., -3024., -3024.,  ..., -3024., -3024., -3024.],
          [-3024., -3024., -3024.,  ..., -3024., -3024., -3024.],
          [-3024., -3024., -3024.,  ..., -3024., -3024., -3024.],
          [-3024., -3024., -3024.,  ..., -3024., -3024., -3024.]],
         [[-1024., -1024., -1024.,  ..., -1024., -1024., -1024.],
          [-1024., -1024., -1024.,  ..., -1024., -1024., -1024.],
          [-1005., -1003., -1000.,  ..., -1004., -1001.,  -999.],
          [ -953.,  -953.,  -959.,  ...,  -553.,  -620.,  -688.],
          [ -955.,  -959.,  -961.,  ...,  -752.,  -796.,  -830.],
          [ -961.,  -962.,  -959.,  ...,  -872.,  -890.,  -903.]],
         [[-2048., -2048., -2048.,  ..., -2048., -2048., -2048.],
          [-2048., -2048., -2048.,  ..., -2048., -2048., -2048.],
          [-2048., -2048., -2048.,  ..., -2048., -2048., -2048.],
          [-2048., -2048., -2048.,  ..., -2048., -2048., -2048.],
          [-2048., -2048., -2048.,  ..., -2048., -2048., -2048.],
          [-2048., -2048., -2048.,  ..., -2048., -2048., -2048.]],
         [[ -881.,  -877.,  -877.,  ...,  -890.,  -890.,  -890.],
          [ -885.,  -881.,  -878.,  ...,  -891.,  -890.,  -887.],
          [ -885.,  -885.,  -883.,  ...,  -890.,  -887.,  -883.],
          [ -868.,  -872.,  -870.,  ...,  -877.,  -875.,  -865.],
          [ -869.,  -872.,  -868.,  ...,  -875.,  -879.,  -871.],
          [ -872.,  -871.,  -866.,  ...,  -871.,  -879.,  -879.]]]),

The following functions return output filename and save the cropped .jpg files.

def dest_fname(fname): return dest/Path(fname).with_suffix('.jpg')

def save_cropped_jpg(o, dest):
    fname,px = o
    px.save_jpg(dest_fname(fname), [dicom_windows.brain, dicom_windows.subdural], bins=bins)

In the next function, we make the following

  1. move the pixels from dataloader to device
  2. make our masks for cropping only the brain portion
  3. then make the crop
  4. use parallel funtioality to save the images. The save_jpg will save brain window, subdural wondow and normalised. Each as one chanel.
def process_batch(pxs, fnames, n_workers=4):
    pxs = to_device(pxs)
    masks = pxs.mask_from_blur(dicom_windows.brain)
    bbs = mask2bbox(masks)
    gs = crop_resize(pxs, bbs, 256).cpu().squeeze()
    parallel(save_cropped_jpg, zip(fnames, gs), n_workers=n_workers, progress=False, dest=dest)
%time process_batch(*dl.one_batch(), n_workers=3)
CPU times: user 63.6 ms, sys: 130 ms, total: 194 ms
Wall time: 373 ms

Let's open and see one of the images.

fn =[0]
im =

As can be seen below, each channel in the saved jpg corresponds to brain window, subdural window and normalized.

axs = subplots(1, 3)[1].flat
for i, ax in zip(tensor(im).permute(2,0,1), axs):

The above can be simply shown using fastai functionality.

show_images(tensor(im).permute(2,0,1), titles=['brain','subdural','normalized'])
#for b in progress_bar(dl): process_batch(*b, n_workers=8)

Building a classifier

For this part, we will be following some part of Jeremy's 5th notebook. For the full version, please refer to Jeremy's notebook.

df_comb = comb.set_index('SOPInstanceUID')
df_tst = pd.read_feather(path_df/'df_tst.fth')

The next two functions are what we looked in the previous section. We will use the fix_pxrepr function to fix the PixelRepresentation issue we encountered. And make a 3-channel image using brain window, subdural window and normalised image using the freq_his bins we developed earlier.

def fix_pxrepr(dcm):
    if dcm.PixelRepresentation != 0 or dcm.RescaleIntercept<-100: return
    x = dcm.pixel_array + 1000
    px_mode = 4096
    x[x>=px_mode] = x[x>=px_mode] - px_mode
    dcm.PixelData = x.tobytes()
    dcm.RescaleIntercept = -1000
def dcm_tfm(fn): 
    fn = (path_trn/fn).with_suffix('.dcm')
        x = fn.dcmread()
    except Exception as e:
        raise SkipItemException
    if x.Rows != 512 or x.Columns != 512: x.zoom_to((512,512))
    px = x.scaled_px
    return TensorImage(px.to_3chan(dicom_windows.brain,dicom_windows.subdural, bins=bins))

Let's make a split based on PatientID

patients = df_comb.PatientID.unique()
pat_mask = np.random.random(len(patients))<0.8
pat_trn = patients[pat_mask]
def split_data(df):
    idx = L.range(df)
    mask = df.PatientID.isin(pat_trn)
    return idx[mask],idx[~mask]

splits = split_data(df_comb)

filename function returns the filename while fn2image opens the filename and returns PILDicom object

def filename(o): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(o))[0]

fns = L(list(df_comb.fname)).map(filename)
fn = fns[0]
def fn2image(fn): return PILDicom.create((path_trn/fn).with_suffix('.dcm'))

fnlabel return the labels given a filename

htypes = ['any','epidural','intraparenchymal','intraventricular','subarachnoid','subdural']
def fn2label(fn): return df_comb.loc[fn][htypes].values.astype(np.float32)
array([1., 0., 1., 0., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)

get_loss prepares the weighted loss fuction

def get_loss(scale=1.0):
    loss_weights = tensor(2.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1).cuda()*scale
    return BaseLoss(nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss, pos_weight=loss_weights, floatify=True, flatten=False, 

accuracy_any calculates the accuracy for any label

def accuracy_any(inp, targ, thresh=0.5, sigmoid=True):
    inp,targ = flatten_check(inp[:,0],targ[:,0])
    if sigmoid: inp = inp.sigmoid()
    return ((inp>thresh)==targ.bool()).float().mean()
loss_func = get_loss(0.14*2)
opt_func = partial(Adam, wd=0.01, eps=1e-3)

Next, we will need to prepare the dataloaders.

First, we will need the transformations necessary to open/prepare (we will us dcm_tfm) the images and prepare the labels (we will use fn2label followed by EncodedMultiCategorize which makes one-hot encoded multi-category labels).

tfms = [[dcm_tfm], [fn2label, EncodedMultiCategorize(htypes)]]
dls = Datasets(fns, tfms, splits=splits)
nrm = Normalize(tensor([0.6]),tensor([0.25]))
aug = aug_transforms(p_lighting=0.)
batch_tfms = [nrm, *aug]
def get_data(bs, sz):
    return dls.dataloaders(bs=bs, num_workers=nw, 
dbch = get_data(64,256)
x,y = dbch.one_batch()
(64, 3, 256, 256)
bs = 32
def get_learner(bs, sz):
    dls = get_data(bs,sz)
    learn = cnn_learner(dls, 
    return learn.to_fp16()
learn = get_learner(bs, sz)
learn.fit_one_cycle(1, 1e-3)
0.00% [0/1 00:00<00:00]
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi accuracy_any time

89.97% [3649/4056 42:00<04:41 0.1933]
</div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

This concludes the amazing series of notebooks by Jeremy!
